The Chu
Original Species
The Chu are an original species created by me. I've been working on them for years and they mean a lot to me. Feel free to create your own. I'd love to see what people come up with. Have fun and get creative!
The Chu are a forest dwelling species from another universe. They live on a planet much like earth. The Chu have long prehensile tails, big clawed paws, and fluffy batlike ears. They also have short snouts with big noses and small tusks that curve upwards. Their fur pattern matches the trees they live in, ranging from dark brown to reddish to white. For example, the Chu of the redwood forest have fluffy red fur, while Chu from the cold, northern evergreen forests tend to have darker, thicker fur. Chu eye color also depends on the forest they are from. Most have brown or black eyes, but some have green or silver. Whether a Chu walks on all fours or upright is usually up to personal preference. This species also lives to be about 200 years old. However, just as greatly as trees vary, so do Chu. Every forest has its own species of Chu, so if you're looking to find your own, that's where you have to start. In the variations tab you'll find several different species described in greater detail. It would also be wise to read up on the history of the species.
Good luck, and may your tail always find the strongest branches.